Thank you for your interest in Med Beds. Off-world technology energy healing pods help heal and return the body to its original blueprint.
Distribution of and access to the Med Beds remains elusive at this time.
NOTE: Access to the med beds will be FREE. If you find another site that is offering something called a “med bed,” and they are charging money to use the equipment, it is NOT the real med bed!!! They are just using the “med bed” name for their own profit. Therefore, even though they may use esoteric technology, the changes they make to your system could be unreliable and harmful. Please be careful.
Med Bed Signup List Status
Most Comprehensive Resource for Med Beds
We aim to be the best resource for location and availability of the med beds when they become accessible. We intend to have:
- Geographic listings of where you can access a med bed near you
- Signups for people who would like to become a med bed practitioner
Currently we don’t have any specifics for you, as the technology has not yet been made widely available to the people of this planet.
Until then, the best thing that we can suggest is to please sign up for our mailing list, if you haven’t already done so.
NOTE: We have been holding out for the REAL source of information on the med bed technology. We would like to offer this website to you if you are the real deal. This includes good military, Other dimensional light beings, White Hats. We have been waiting for you and we have made many efforts to invite you to use this platform. If you would like to contact us, so we can provide a quality outlet to help the people of this planet, our email is below.
We will Stay in Touch with You.
We will share any updates we receive with you as soon as we get them.
Please sign up for our med beds mailing list and we will contact you when we have more information.
Thank you.